RSGallery 2RSGallery 2 for Joomla!
text/html07-18T10:49:47+01:00http://rsgallery2.netDocumentation wiki content
You like RSGallery2? Why not help out with the documentation wiki? It's easy, time efficient and rewarding.
RSGallery2 is one of the top GNU/GPL natively running gallery systems for Joomla!. A big part of such a position is good documentation. In order to provide this, the wiki needs to be filled with more content. If you want to help out, go to the Documentation wiki (index.php?option=com_wrapper) and start typing, print-screening and/ or discussing.
stomach pain remedies (
The Joomla! community and the RSGallery2 development team will be grateful.
text/html06-10T09:08:26+01:00http://rsgallery2.netRSGallery2 for J1.5 native released
This is the first version of RSGallery2 that runs in Joomla 1.5 native mode.
Special thanks goes to all the translators providing the updated language files and the testers of the nightly builds.
benign lymphoepithelial lesion (
Download (content/view/92/62/) it and enjoy. Feel free to report any bugs or problems in the Forum (index.php?option=com_smf Itemid=17).
text/html05-15T02:12:41+01:00http://rsgallery2.netNightly builds back to normal. Translators wanted!
For a couple weeks the nightly builds having been generated incorrectly. This has also affected the template downloads. This issue has been resolved and everything should be back to normal.
The J1.5 native RSG2 is coming along nicely. So give it a spin if you have a chance and report bugs in the nighly forum (component/option,com_smf/Itemid,17/board,31.0).
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The language method has been updated to J1.5 standards. Translators are needed! Updated directions are posted (component/option,com_smf/Itemid,17/topic,15336.0).
text/html03-09T14:11:40+01:00http://rsgallery2.netPHP4 Testers Needed
Unfortunately all of our current testers are running PHP5. In recent releases we unwittingly shipped with a bug (component/option,com_smf/Itemid,17/topic,14242.0) that prevented PHP4 users from installing templates (templates could still be manually installed (component/option,com_smf/Itemid,17/topic,14242.msg38082#msg38082)).
If you are using PHP4 and have time to regularly test the nightly build, please subscribe and post to the Nightly RSGallery2 Legacy (component/option,com_smf/Itemid,17/board,17.0) forum. PHP5 testers are also welcome, the more testers we have the more solid our releases will be.
text/html02-19T15:04:46+01:00http://rsgallery2.netTemplates tested, linked.
The Downloads page (content/view/92/62/) now lists three popular templates that have been tested with RSGallery2 1.14.3. If you have questions or issues, please post in the Display and Templates forum (component/option,com_smf/Itemid,17/board,7.0).
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Note that the download location for these templates have changed. Previously they were on JoomlaCode, but to ease administration we are now hosting them ourselves instead.