I believe JomComment is an excellent Commenting system that is used on so many websites that it would be nice to have just one commenting system. it would be nice to see RSGallery more integrated with the website to include using the websites commenting and rating system (even if its something besides JomComment).
On Jom Comments website I found this article for RSGallery2 1.14 but of course the latest release of RSGallery2 is 1.16 and I'm not sure if it matters whether Joomla is 1.0.xx or 1.5.x but its worth a shot
RSGallery2 version 1.14.3 (SVN 649)
* Open up the file JOOMLA/components/com_rsgallery2/templates/semantic/display.class.php * Look for the following block of codes which should be at around line 381 onwards,
if ( $rsgConfig->get("displayComments") ) {
$tabs->startTab(_RSGALLERY_COMMENTS, 'Comments' );
Modify it so that it would look as below,
if ( $rsgConfig->get("displayComments") ) {
global $mosConfig_absolute_path;
include_once($mosConfig_absolute_path . '/components/com_jomcomment/mambots.php');
$item = rsgInstance::getItem();
echo jomcomment($item->id, 'com_rsgallery2');
$tabs->startTab(_RSGALLERY_COMMENTS, 'Comments' );