Thanks John, and here you go

the updated dutch file is attached.
I went through the entire Back-end (
there seems to be not translation at all for the Front-end) and found the following things (of which I'm not that sure that I should post (all of) them here, but ready to learn though):
Missing strings
- INSTALL_STATUS_MSGS - Upon installation, below "Installation of RSGallery is completed", above the Control Panel icon.
- When you click "** Maintenance **": MAINT_CONSOLDB_TXT and MAINT_CONSOLDB: in the main english file these result in no text, but in the dutch file I do have text for both of them
- _RSGALLERY_MAINT_OPTIMIZE_SUCCESS when you choose to optimalise your database
- DESCTEMPLATES in the "Manage" part of the Template Manager
The following items seem not translatable (besides the strings between **'s)
- The items "Control Panel", "Batch Upload", "Upload", "Galleries" and "Items" between the "navigation part" that says
"Control Panel" and "Help", and the icons "Global Configuration", etc.
- "Use SecurityImages component" - Global Configuration > Images > Comments
- "SecurityImages component NOT installed!" - Global Configuration > Images (Comments)
- "No images in gallery yet." - (If there are not images in any galleries yet: Galleries > Specific Gallery (After text "Gallery thumbnail:")
- "Yes, all items in" - Batch Upload (after text "Specify gallery")
-" Upload limit is" and "Megabytes (set in php.ini)" - Batch Upload (alhough both "UPLOAD LIMIT IS" and "MEGABYTES (SET IN PHP.INI)" are in the language files
- All text with the "MAINT_REGEN" option if you choose to regenerate your thumbnails.
- In control Panel > Template Manager the following strings are not translated: "Install from directory", "Install directory:", "Install from URL", and "Install URL:" (the top two are translated).
There also are two lines with "GENERAL=General" (identical) in the main en-GB file.
And I got the following fatal error when I click the Migration options in the Control Panel:
"Fatal error: Call to undefined function RSInstall() in \JOOMLAROOT\administrator\components\com_rsgallery2\admin.rsgallery2.php on line 116"
RSGallery2 1.16.0 (SVN 771) on Joomla 1.5.3 with the dutch (nl_NL) Front-end and Back-end packages added.